Remember a while back when my colleague, Caroline, found a cookbook for me at garage sales? She also enjoys hitting the sales on Saturdays and we’ve even gone to a few on Fridays together during the lunch hour. When I got to work on Monday morning, she sent me a note that she had something for me.
“Is it candy?,” I replied.
“No, something better!,” was hers.
“Cookie? Cake? Chocolate?”
“No, but it does start with a c….”
“I’m on my way over!”
When I rounded the corner and made it over to her desk, she presented me with these two beauties:
Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book and Tiger Riffic Cook Book (Clemson Athletic Department).
How cool is that? That was so nice that she thought about me while she was at the sales. I paid her back the cost of the cookbooks. And who knows? Maybe a few more may come my again soon? I certainly hope so!