Please tell me this happens to other people, too. I think I’m the worst at keeping my pots and pans in pristine shape. I’m not talking about the Teflon coating at the bottom. I’m literally talking about the shape.
It seems like my favorite pots, pans and skillets all fall victim to the same horrible fate. After washing and being rinsed in hot water, I put them on the drying rack. And that’s when one magically falls off the rack and onto the floor. Wherever they land, they flatten an edge and warp.
Here’s my trusted 3-quart pot after a recent fall.
Now the lid won’t fit at all.
And here’s a really cool two-handled skillet that I use for literally everything:
Ever just want to start over with a whole new set? I’ve never done that. I think all my pots and pans were handed down to me from my mom. She’d buy a new set of the latest and greatest on QVC and I’d get a pot here and a pan there. Over the years, I’ve had my cookware pieced together from her overflow.
When I look around for new sets, anything from a fancy store will run you several hundred bucks. Maybe I should just seek out replacement pieces? What do you do? Replace a piece or start over?